IMEC USA, LLC is founded in 2011. It is designated to consult China energy-saving industries with needed technologies of international sources. Related, it helps international inventions and technologies entering China, to access industry, market and capital of China:

  1. Modern Lighting and related electronic devices
  2. Next-generation Energy-saving Lighting, concentrated on high-intensity (10,000~100,000LM) point light source, natural light collection, consolidated light-guid distribution system, healthy and safe spectrum, and modern ergonomic industrial designs.
  3. Intelligent Lighting Management, integrated with modern iIntegrated circuit and network technologies. IMEC USA is access with AI-ready IoE architecture, circuits, systems and concepts, hosted by an associated Beijing company (General Circuits, (Beijing), Ltd).
  4. Organic Lighting Initiative: consulting Chinese industry to experiment and demonstrate next generation light with the most environmental and health correct lighting solutions: (1) day-time natural light collected and guided into the core of buildings; (2) alternative electric light sources with most close to sunlight spectrum, well controlled plasma point lighting. (3) consume low-energy to the next level (day time 0, evenings below modern LED’s), comply to 0-carbon emission relating day-time indoor lighting, the 2030 international architecture mandate. (4) the lighting product’s manufacture processes feature the lowest consumption of energy, material and natural resources, 0 pollution, and 0 carbon emission.
  5. The true energy-saving solutions should not compromise to current trade-offs: (1) Time: using energy bill saving to pay off debt created by high manufacture costs due to high consumptions of energy, material and nature resources, as well high costs to process emission and exhaust. (2) Space: manufacture with the most pollutions and consumptions in one world region, and green applications in the other world region. (3) Human Being: health and safety are compromised by populating energy-saving lights which produce clare, flashing and wrong spectrum of lights.